Zine: Layout Design, Visual Elements, Writing & editing

Adobe InDesign | ProCreate | Adobe Illustrator

What the hell is this?

This is a short, illustration-heavy zine made on Adobe InDesign to practice magazine layout. All illustrations are digitally drawn on ProCreate. Initially, I wanted to make a Burn Book like the one from the movie, Mean Girls, where I roast myself with each page as a personal sin. As I was googling different sins, I came across Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell. I remember reading about that in Inferno or one of Dan Brown’s (one of my favorite authors) books. I was inspired by Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell, and I wanted to illustrate each circle of hell in a cartoonish manner and make that into a magazine. 

Made on ProCreate


Let’s Work Together!

Whether you have a specific final direction or an ambiguous crazy idea, let's work together and get to your final vision. Please reach out! I can’t wait to work with you!