Case Competition


Project Objective


Advise Asana on exploring a sell-side process following its IPO, by identifying potential buyers, positioning Asana attractively to these buyers, analyzing transaction terms, and determining Asana's valuation. Our goal is to craft a compelling presentation for Asana's Board of Directors that not only identifies the most strategic buyer but also outlines the qualitative and quantitative benefits of the transaction, recommends favorable transaction terms, and provides a detailed valuation of Asana to ensure a successful sale that maximizes shareholder value.

Strategy Analyst

The Outcome

Beta Alpha Psi Case Competition Winner

*Note: although this is not a marketing case, practices skills in in market research, competitor analysis etc.

Industry Analysis

After learning about Asana and it’s business model, I identified Industry Trends and Competitors as the next step in approaching this case.

Market Research

Upon the industry analysis, I was able to identify potential partners before selecting Twilio as the potential buyer.

Next, I identified the suitability for this acquisition, integration plan, synergies, and risks.

Full Case Presentation


Save The Duck


Pour Decisions